Och Aye….Scotfact: A third of all Americans surveyed by the Scottish Tourist board thought haggis was an animal they could hunt and catch. Many booked trips to Scotland hoping to go on haggis-hunting tours. There are dozens of Scottish societies around Florida, many holding Highland Games and Festivals…see the list below.
EVERY JANUARY! DO TRY A BURNS SUPPER….Celebrate Scotland’s world-famous poet Robert Burns.Join fellow English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish local expats for this unique event. People gather for Rabbie Burns suppers in all corners of the world with annually over 9000 such celebrations held. The best in Florida is presented by the Scottish-American Society of South Florida [SASSF]. I have been and it’s a truly convivial evening–PK. INFO/TICKETS info see www.sassf.org.
►► EVERY MARCH in Ft. Lauderdale. The SOUTH FLORIDA SCOTTISH FESTIVAL and Games is a major all day event attended by thousands of Scots and Wannabe Scots, English/Irish/Welsh and American Anglophiles each year. For details/location/tickets see website www.sassf.org Established by the Scottish-American Society of South Florida [SASSF] in 1983. OCH AYE. It’s immense fun—Tartan everywhere, bagpipers, clans, highland dancing competitions, Scottish country dancing, Scottish Heavy Athletics, professional Scottish entertainers, Clan tents, sheepdog demonstrations, Scottish/Irish/English/Welsh merchandise, foods and imported beers. Wear Something Tartan and Go! www.SASSF.org
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TO HIRE A BAGPIPER in South Florida:
1] Call Scotsman Nigel McDonald [786] 205-5350, an accomplished bagpiper/pipe major who has won many of Florida’s piping competitions and played at droves of weddings and other functions around Ft. Lauderdale/Miami/Palm Beach.
2] Professional bagpiper Byron Hoffman is also available for South Florida functions. Call [754] 204-0716.
3] The Palm Beach Pipes & Drums have played continuously since 1980 at parades,weddings, funerals,private gigs,memorials and social functions. Contact them also to hire a bagpiper for your events. Call [561] 848-0712, [561] 308-6216 or [561] 487 6459.
► Every March in Sarasota Area: The Caledonian Club presents its annual Scottish Thistle Ball. This elegant formal affair will have Scottish entertainment, piping and dancing. INFO www.caledonianclub.org To book/furtherdetails phone Chair Sioux Faragher-Hurley [941] 484-0728.
► SEPTEMBER or OCTOBER the Annual Royal Tartan Ball in Tampa, for those wanting a fun experience with a Celtic Flair. For this year’s date and info call David Trick [727] 243-7176 or John Miller[813]735-9005
DUNEDIN Annual Scottish Games every April. INFO/TICKETS www.dunedinhighlandgames.com Call [727] 763-3197
Dating Expat In Villas Florida Keys
JACKSONVILLE AREA annual Scottish games in February. www.neflgames.com Call [904] 241-0350 Emily Taylor.
ORLANDO SCOTTISH GAMES every January. See website www.flascot.com Or call Chuck McGrew [407] 682-1238 or Chip Crawford [407] 841-8831
OCALA SCOTTISH HIGHLAND GAMES in October. Call organizer David Martin [352] 454-0672
PALM BEACH SCOTTISH-AMERICAN SOCIETY Established years ago. Tel. [561] 965-2562 Ask for Winnie.
PANAMA CITY Highland Games. Saturday March 7, 2020. INFO/TICKETS on www.pbcscotttishfestival.com or Call [850] 769-4000.
SARASOTA Highland Games Saturday February 1, 2020 Reach organisers on [941] 539-4101 See website www.sarasotahighlandgames.com
SARASOTA Scottish Heritage Society of Sarasota Call [941] 342-0509
SARASOTA The St. Andrews Society for Scots in Florida [941] 722-9840. Ask for Shirley or see their website www.standrewssocietysarasota.com
TALLAHASSEE SCOTTISH GAMES in April. Call President Keith Lindsey [850] 212-2926
TAMPA and DUNEDIN AREA The St. Andrews Society. Call boardmember and true Scot Fiona Prosser [813] 317-6039.
NORTHEAST FLORIDA [JACKSONVILLE area] Scottish Games Saturday February 29, 2020 Call [904] 725-5744. See website www.neflgames.com
VENICE West Florida….The Caledonian Club. For Scots and those with Scottish roots. Call Pauline Mitchell [941] 485-5199.
► SARASOTA SCOTTISH GAMES in January. Call [941] 342-0509 for this year’s info or look at website www.sarasotahighlandgames.com.
► FT.LAUDERDALEHighlanders holds Scottish theme events throughout the year. For information call [954] 962-9393
► THE OFFICIAL BRITISH GOVERNMENT WEBSITE for info on Scotland: www.scotland.gov.uk
► SCOTTISH FOOTBALL MATCHES–Glasgow Rangers and Celtic.In Ft. Lauderdale watch Rangers matches at the King’s Head Pub in Sunrise [954] 572-5933 Call Derek Walker of Rangers Supporters Club [954] 296-3374. NaplesRangers Supporters Club watch Rangers matches live at the English pub in Naples–call Club secretary Peter Hull on [239] 404-6137. OrlandoRangers Supporters Club gathers at the George& Dragon pub [407] 351-3578. A roomful of Scots can’t be dull! The pub shows all Rangers’s games live. This club just celebrated its 10th anniversary. INFO Phone Colin Bowman 407-536-9732. CELTIC: 1] In Orlando the Celtic Supporters Club watch all Celtic matches live at the Lucky Leprechaun Irish Pub, 7032 International Drive, Orlando. Call President John Howley on [386] 451 4645. 2] BROWARD CELTIC SUPPORTERS CLUB meets at the Fox and Hounds Pub in Ft.Lauderdale . Call Pub [954] 491-3697 OR call Club President John Paton [954] 473-5167
££$$ TIP: WANT TO SAVE WHEN TRANSFERRING over UK CURRENCY? DON’T USE YOUR BANK! Use Moneycorp. [ I use Moneycorp myself–FABB President.] TO FIND OUT MORE: Phone Moneycorp’s Kelly Cutchin on [863] 207-6616 at their USA HQ in Orlando to ask all your questions. Or email your query to Kelly Cutchin kelly.cutchin@moneycorp.com The pound is shaky. That affects all expats in Florida who still have UK dealings. To transfer your precious funds, we highly recommend you use the services of Moneycorp. At lower rates than any bank! This will save you fees and grief, as we Londoners say! What your own bank won’t do is save considerable exchange fees, like Moneycorp. NOW is an advantageous time for you to transfer any funds you have. THE BEST WAY: Moneycorp, the UK company with an office in Florida and droves of satisfied Florida clients. It is the only UK currency exchange company licenced to deal in 50 states. Many expat Brits here have used this currency service for years and report huge savings and satisfaction. Moneycorp’s HQ is in England. Posted by the Florida Association of British Business [FABB]. Moneycorp have been trusted members since 2005.
►►+ YOUR UK PENSION: ARE YOU OVER 55? DID YOU PAY INTO A UK COMPANY/PRIVATE PENSION? Do you know whether and how you can access your lump sum and bring it over to the USA? For a FREE review of your UK pension contact Mark Solomons in Florida with Florin Pensions direct on [561] 793-1311 or via email msolomons@florinpensions.com On Subject line put: “To Mark Solomons—UK pension query”. Include your name + city + phone + a sentence about the type of company/private pension you paid into. Mark is a longtime member of the Florida Association of British Business. As FABB’s UK pensions expert he has unfrozen many pensions for USA expats over the years.
► ARE YOU A BRIT LIVING IN FLORIDA? OR UK BRIT WITH PROPERTY THERE? Sign up for our eBritnews email—invitations to local British events and info relevant to expats. Send email to britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com On subject line put: Receive Florida eBritnews. IMPORTANT: Must include your Florida city + contact phone.